The Grid Global

The GRID Blueprint

Buddhism Based Philosophical


Inner Development - Authentic, heart centred Leadership - Value based Organisations


To your Global Leadership Training and Consulting platform specialising in heart-centred leadership for key players in international organisations.

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Our Services

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Authentic - Heart Centred Leadership

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About The GRID BluePrint

The GRID BluePrint is a philosophical practice, rooted in Buddhist philosophy, contemplation and meditation combined with modern day approaches in psychology, trauma research and somatic work.

GRID stands for G-Growth, R-Responsibility, I-Integrity and D-Diversity.

As each component is examined our individual BluePrint is uncovered, providing direct access to our authentic expression to lead a life of meaning and wholesomeness on personal and professional level.

Why Buddhist Philosophy as a tool

How can a 2500 year old philosophical system support a more heart centred individual life style based on our core values; refine authentic leadership qualities and align organisations to higher ethical standards?

The Buddha brought forth precise tools of introspection, contemplation and meditation to analyse our psyche as to how we create our perceptions and therefore our personalities and our world views.

In our fast paced world we often rush to conclusions without neither taking the complexities of our own thinking and personality properly into consideration nor the complexities of the world and the systems around us. Slowing down, using our inquiring mind and fostering self awareness by applying critical thinking helps us to find lasting and sustainable solutions in harmony with our core being and ethical standards.

We get in touch with our inner guidance system, whilst staying open and receptive to the influences around us. When we heighten our self awareness through introspection, we begin to truly embody our values and become true changemakers in all areas of our lives.
why buddhist

About Daniela Hartmann


Having lived an international life style since childhood, I have had an insatiable curiosity about humans and the way our mind works for as log as I can think. As I joined the UN after university, I loved the international setting and the opportunities to work on complex issues from different angles.

But I quickly realised, that this complexity also at times challenged my core values to a point where I decided to step out of the system and pursue the question like: What are the ingredients to a wholesome life? How can we use our authenticity as our source of personal power? What kind of mindset do we need to bring about ethically aligned change? How can we achieve self-mastery to be in meaningful connection with ourselves and the world around us?

I found my answers by immersing myself in Tibetan Buddhism for over 20 years, living in India and Nepal. From beginning of 2023 I have woven the strands of my learnings and experiences into The GRID BluePrint to assist individuals, high performing leaders and game changers in their field of expertise to actualise their individual recipes of inner truth and guidance in order to step into their genuine power.


Daniela - The Grid


The GRID provides a down-to-earth approach to integrating universal truths into every day life. Based evenly in Buddhist philosophy and lived experience it provides a framework for finding one’s inner truth and living accordingly in our fast paced, ever evolving societies.
Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche
Buddhist Teacher (featured in the documentary ‘Return to the Himalaya’)
I highly recommend Daniela to any global team or organisation that is looking for their next step in leadership development.
Lou Reed - Founder
Energy Medicine Institute
A new day is dawning in Leadership. I recommend to any organisation that cares about their people strategy and psychological safety for their teams, then The GRID Global is your answer moving forward. I highly recommend their programs to any international organisation that is looking to the future and want to survive 'Quiet Quitting' and 'The Great Resignation'.
Katrena Friel - Co-Founder
Energy Business Institute
This is an immensely useful book for the world we find ourselves in today. It presents a view and path to sanity and wisdom that is unique and powerful, and will be a treasure for all those who use the GRID process and perspective in fostering well being and integrity.
Daniela has been a compassionate advocate for mental health and wellness services for people with trauma which was the cause for us to meet in 2020 in Nepal. In this book she puts her passion and dedication to bring new wave of understanding for complexities of life with a concise but deep sense of spirituality.
Chhori Laxmi Maharjan PsyD
Director of Ankur Counseling and Training Center A program of Nepal Youth Foundation
Daniela has been prepared by the universe for years with challenges and opportunities to bring forth the content that is very much in need for the new earth that is being built at present.
Sharmila Packiaraja
Transformation Coach

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